
文章标签 ‘优惠码’

Godaddy支付宝付款时There was a problem processing your transaction. Please verify your payment information or use an alternate form of payment错误

2015年3月9日 5 条评论

一个在godaddy的域名到期要续费,找了一圈发现基本都要80元一个,没有什么优惠码。 国外注册商只剩下安全不会随意处理账号的优点,正规做站的可以考虑迁回锅内了。 续费的过程中还出了一个错误,怎么弄都不对,编辑了个人信息也不好使,而且也有支付宝和银联的支付选项,就是不让付款。 处理Godaddy付款时的错误提示There was a problem processing your transaction. Please verify your payment information or use an alternate form of payment 搜索看到了这个 @aftwest Problem is not with Payoneer, but its with godaddy, its ...

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